Monday, December 3, 2012

Its Christmas Time!

Hey hey!

So I got the package! Very excited for Christmas! Sounds like you all have started the Christmas spirit going that’s awesome!

Not going to lie this week was hard, I am really starting to realize what it takes to change for the better and become a great missionary. I have been constantly praying to help me become the best missionary that God wants me to be no matter what it takes. And he sure has been answering. This week was truly a faith, patience, diligence and more builder, this is one hard sector. I don’t think I have ever walked so much.  We had barely any appointments to teach; only one out of like the 8 we had set went through, and we haven’t got much positive feedback.  It’s just kinda hard to plan at night due to the lack of people to visit, we really have to dig into the area book and antiguo book to give us direction.

In 2 weeks I am going to be leading the sector most likely, just means that my trainer will be leaving and I will have to show the next how to get around and stuff. So I have been just a little stressed due to the condition of the sector regarding amount of investigators we are teaching. And Spanish just kills but I’m learning to be patient and study hard. BUT....I’m not writing all that to complain, just writing all that to tell you how much my faith has grown and my testimony of our savior.

It is SUCH a roller coaster here ha, but wow at the end of the week it got so much better, no matter how bad the day we really just kept a positive attitude and pushed through, and luckily we got to fast this Sunday which helped so much.  The spirit really is a comforter and I felt so happy and at peace Sunday, and that night we were able to teach a new that just was amazing.  She is related to one of our strongest members and we are excited to teach her.  It’s so crazy how you can be just having a rough week and one lesson can make everything worth it. The only way to get stronger is to stretch and go through times like that. Ha kinda a bummer that it has to be that way but it makes sense. Can`t know happiness without trials.

But yeah so I am doing great, really working hard to master the basics of the gospel. It is amazing how hard it is to teach the basic gospel principles.  I can’t remember who said it, I think it was Hyrum smith but he said if you learn the basic gospel principles and learn them well you will gain a greater knowledge of our purpose and the principles will expand. (Ha totally butchered that but you get the idea hopefully) so just really trying to discipline myself in studies. It is kinda like that with language as well, I’m trying to master the simple things first before I go difficult, it is all like piano, you will have a greater limit to your success if you are disciplined and learn the theory of piano before playing something. So I am learning the structure or theory you could say of the gospel and language in order to grow and become the best missionary that god wants me to be.

For a funny ending (not trying to make this letter a feel bad letter at all ha or a depressing one) We went to teach this older couple that was very country. We taught them once before and they weren’t very receptive but we were going to give them one more time.  I was leading the lesson this time of the restoration using the pamphlet, and I  was teaching what three things you need for the church of Christ, and I said very slowly to them we need Christ, Apostles, and Prophets, and then I asked them what we needed to see if they understood, and the lady (which we knew was a little off that didn’t have teeth) said "Horses, Horses, Horses on a Hill! ......The Church" Remember she is saying this in Spanish, and my companion immediately was thinking oh I hope he didn’t understand that, but I totally did and I was just so caught off guard and I didn’t know what to do.  A laugh quickly began to form in my head and it began to grow, I couldn’t continue teaching, I just kinda looked down like oh no what am I going to do, My companion tried to scrounge up the lesson and save it, but as I looked over at him he was fighting the laugh as well, immediately once I looked at him we both just busted out laughing like hysterically, I was trying all my power of will to stop but there was no use I was crying and sweating all over from the laugh and didn’t know what to do, it was so awkward because they were just looking at us and we couldn’t stop.  We tried to blame the laugh saying like oh sorry I just am struggling with my Spanish or something, hopefully they bought it, and once we kinda stopped and held it in, she looked with a very worried look saying, "papitos? papas? Papitos, que Rico!" and we didn’t know what to do she just said "little potatoes, potatoes? little potatoes, how tasty!" we just lost it again, it was a pretty sad and awkward lesson but great story ha.

But yeah other news is this bum chased a car, and this guy was rubbing his belly walking into a store with his shirt all the way up, just kinda the regular. That sucks for Blake so much! I would be sooooo angry!  Tell him I’m so sorry. and Kristy thanks so much for your email please send the Christmas devo talk we couldn’t watch it.  I really want to watch it. Thanks for all you do, I miss you guys but I’m here doing the lords work and its great. Love you so much!
con amor,

Elder Carter

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